Crate exclusive_cell

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This crate provides two thread-safe, non-blocking, no-std synchronization primitives: ExclusiveCell and CallOnce.

ExclusiveCell can be accessed at most once and provides mutable access to the stored contents:

use exclusive_cell::ExclusiveCell;

static EXCLUSIVE_CELL: ExclusiveCell<usize> = ExclusiveCell::new(5);

let number = EXCLUSIVE_CELL.take().unwrap();
assert_eq!(number, &mut 5);


CallOnce can only be called once sucessfully:

use exclusive_cell::CallOnce;

static CALL_ONCE: CallOnce = CallOnce::new();



A synchronization primitive that can only be called once sucessfully.
The CallOnceError error indicates that CallOnce::call_once has been called more than once.
A synchronization primitive which can be accessed only once.